Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie pay tribute to their ‘dearest Grannie’

Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie have paid tribute to their ‘dearest Grannie’ after her death.

The Queen passed away on 8th September at Balmoral.

Beatrice and Eugenie paid tribute to the Queen. (Royal Family)

The sisters note how they have ‘not been able to put much into words since you [the Queen] left us all.’

They say amongst the family there have ‘been tears and laughter, silences and chatter, hugs and loneliness, and a collective loss’ after the death of their grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

They thought the late Monarch would be ‘here forever’. They called her their ‘matriarch, our guide, our loving hand on our backs leading us through this world’.

The Queen and Prince Philip with Princess Beatrice and Edo on their wedding day

The two sisters comment on how the Queen taught them so much and they ‘will cherish those lessons and memories forever’. They used their statement to say ‘thank you’ to the Queen for ‘making us laugh, for including us, for picking heather and raspberries, for marching soldiers, for our teas, for comfort, for joy’.

The York sisters echoed other members of the Royal Family in saying how the world is mourning the 96-year old as the ‘remarkable leader’ she was.

The pair are ‘happy’ the Queen is back with Grandpa, the Duke of Edinburgh.

The Queen and Princess Eugenie at the Royal Maundy Service at St George’s Chapel in 2019

‘Goodbye dear Grannie, it has been the honour of our lives to have been your granddaughters and we’re so very proud of you’.

They conclude their statement by acknowledging the new King, their ‘dear uncle Charles’ who they know will continue to lead in the Queen’s example as ‘he too has dedicated his life to service’.

‘God save the King’.

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