Prince Albert and Charlene pose for photos with their twins in Hello! magazine

In December, Monaco saw the arrival of its new heirs, Prince Jacques, Hereditary Prince of Monaco, and Princess Gabriella. Now, parents Prince Albert and Princess Charlene have given an interview and pictures to Hello! magazine.

The twins were presented to the people of Monaco on the 7th January 2015, which is now celebrated as a public holiday.

A few weeks ago, on the 10th May, the twins were baptised in the Cathedral of Monaco. Not long afterwards the twins, along with their parents Prince Albert and Charlene, Princess of Monaco, posed for photographs for Hello! magazine.

The photographs show the new family of four in the garden of their home, The Prince’s Palace of Monaco. The family have only recently moved in as it has been undergoing renovations.

Prince Albert reveals to Nice Matin, a French newspaper, how the twins differing personalities are starting to show through with Prince Jacques being ‘more active’ than his sister. Although both the the twins are becoming more active, their father says that they are very well behaved, ‘except when they’re hungry’.

They mention their concern for balancing parenthood with their commitments to their Royal roles, with The Prince admitting: “I don’t have as much time with them during the day as I’d like”.

However, the Prince seems to be a hands on father when he is with his children saying he is happy to ‘give them their bottles and change their nappies’.

The parents seem happy and relaxed as they pose with their children and it is clear to see that they are both relishing the joys, and challenges, of parenthood.

This weekend will see the focus move away from the twins, as their father, Prince Albert II, celebrates the tenth anniversary of his ascension to the Monegasque throne. The celebrations will include cocktails in the Palais Square and a free concert including performers such as Robbie Williams.

Photo: regierungbw

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