During his trip In Nepal, Prince Harry extended his stay six more days in order to help Team Rubicon rebuild a new school after the earthquake devastation.

Prince Harry joins army veterans to help re build a school destroyed in an earthquake in Nepal. He is working with Team Rubicon UK. Picture by : Becky Maynard, Team Rubicon UK / i-Images
Pictures have been released showing the Prince doing manual labour to rebuild the school. He wanted to “do [his] small bit to help this beautiful country”.
The Prince was photographed helping to move heavy building materials, including bags of cement, as he found himself sleeping, eating and working with volunteers from across the globe.

Prince Harry assists with wood for the school. Picture by : Becky Maynard, Team Rubicon UK / i-Images

Harry helps with cement as he re builds a school destroyed in an earthquake in Nepal. He is working with Team Rubicon UK. Picture by : Becky Maynard, Team Rubicon UK / i-Images
Harry and the other military veterans working with Team Rubicon UK helped local residents lay the foundations of a classroom and build a new farm of solar panels to provide electricity for the school.
Prince Harry, seen below carrying corrugated iron roofing sheets over his head, also had lighter moments where he chatted with local children.

Prince Harry joins army veterans to help re build a school destroyed in an earthquake in Nepal. He is working with Team Rubicon UK. Picture by : Becky Maynard, Team Rubicon UK / i-Images
Becky Maynard, Team Rubicon UK’s director of development, said “It was very much hands on manual labour – sleeping, eating and working out there with the other vets. Getting very much stuck-in as one of the team.”
A Team Rubicon spokesman said: “In their short time volunteering in the village, the Team Rubicon volunteers have made a huge impact on the community by assisting them with their project. They have restored basic facilities and, perhaps most importantly, restored hope by empowering a community to help themselves. Working in the remote region was incredibly challenging and highlighted the extent of the recovery operation that the local community have faced over the last year.”

Prince Harry chats with locals in Nepal as he helps rebuild a school. Picture by : Mauricio Gris ,Team Rubicon UK / i-Images