Lord Freddie Windsor and his wife, Sophie, have spoken to Hello! Magazine about becoming parents for the second time and how their eldest daughter, Maud, gets along with cousin, Prince George.
The couple welcomed baby Isabella almost one month ago, making it two daughters for the pair.

Freddie and Sophie Windsor gave an exclusive interview to Hello! with their newborn, Isabella. (Hello!)
“I am thrilled to have a second little girl,” said Freddie, a finance analyst. “I didn’t realise how funny little girls can be until I had one. I’m also thrilled they will have each other.
“As a child I had – and still have – a close bond with my younger sister (Lady Gabriella ‘Ella’ Windsor) and it will be wonderful to watch Maud and Isabella play and grow up together like we did. The bond you form with your sibling can be the closest one you have with anyone in your life.”
The son and daughter-in-law of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent were living in LA until recently, before moving back to London to have their daughter. Sophie, 35, delivered Isabella at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital; Maud was born in the USA.
“We had a fascinating, fun time in LA,” said actress Sophie. “The place is exciting when you don’t have any responsibilities. But when you’re suddenly in charge of a little person’s life, that changes.”
Lord and Lady Frederick Windsor were married at Hampton Court in 2009.
She told the magazine that her husband was at her bedside in hospital for Isabella’s birth, but his interest in the football scores caused a little friction. “Freddie didn’t leave my side throughout the birth.
“Mind you, I nearly broke his phone when he kept checking it to find out the result of the weekend’s football matches,” she joked.
Freddie said his second cousin, The Queen, was ‘very pleased for us’ when he informed her about the birth of their daughter, Isabella Alexandra May Windsor; she is 43rd in line to the throne.
Before Princess Charlotte was born in May, Freddie and Sophie were invited to Apartment 1A at Kensington Palace, for tea with William and Catherine, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Prince George and Maud were born just a few weeks apart, and Prince and Princess Michael of Kent also live at the Palace. “We were invited to tea at Kensington Palace just before Princess Charlotte was born. Maud and George got on very well,” Sophie explained.
“He is a very clever, articulate little boy and was speaking long before other toddlers his age,” the actress noted of the future King.
It was noted back in 2014 when Prince George attended a playdate in New Zealand that he appeared bigger, more vocal, confident and skilled than his counterparts.
Lady Frederick, sister to TV presenter Claudia Winkleman, also said she hasn’t ‘stopped cuddling’ her newborn since her birth on 16th January. “I carry her everywhere with me.”
Royal news