New photos mark Queen’s 90th with George, Charlotte, Anne & corgis

Three official photos have been released to mark The Queen’s 90th birthday, featuring the corgis, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, and Princess Anne.

Taken just after Easter by Annie Leibovitz, the set embodies familial life, the more normal way of living which the public do not see, but with a typical Leibovitz twist, with strange lighting, and unusual compositions.

The Queen is joined by her youngest grandchildren and her great-grandchildren in photos by Annie Leibovitz.

The Queen is joined by her youngest grandchildren and her great-grandchildren in photos by Annie Leibovitz. L-R James, Louise, Mia, Her Majesty, Charlotte, Savannah, George, Isla

In the first of the three, The Queen sits in the Green Drawing Room at Windsor Castle. On her lap is the newest addition to the Royal family, 11-month-old Princess Charlotte, and her brother Prince George stands at her knee.

Her Majesty’s other great-grandchildren feature: Mia Tindall, just six months younger than Prince George, and  Savannah and Isla Phillips, five and three respectively. Mia holds her granny’s handbag, while Charlotte clutches a toy horse.

Lady Louise and James, Viscount Severn, the youngest of The Queen’s grandchildren, also accompany the Sovereign in the ethereal-looking image.

Today is Her Majesty’s real birthday, and makes her the oldest Monarch in British history. She will officially celebrate in June, as is tradition.

The second shows the close bond between mother and daughter – The Queen and Princess Anne. A casual moment has been captured as the two sit closely on a sofa in the White Drawing Room, The Princess Royal with her arm behind her mother.


The pair have always been close as the only two women in a family of men, and this photo demonstrates that, as well as a personal acknowledgement of the support Anne has given her over the course of her reign. Last year, The Princess Royal topped the league tables by undertaking the most Royal engagements.

Her Majesty wears a tartan skirt, blouse and cardigan (the same as the first photo), whilst Anne is in navy trousers and a shirt/jumper combination.

Lastly, Her Majesty’s prized corgis – Willow, Vulcan, Candy and Holly, the last of the clan. – stand guard around their mistress on the steps of the East Terrace at Windsor. Elizabeth smiles and gazes out to the distance.

The Queen wears a pale blue coat over a navy skirt and cornflower blue cardi, as the cloudy April skies contrast the murky grey walls of the castle. She is the picture of contentment.

The corgis join The Queen in an official birthday photo

The corgis join The Queen in an official birthday photo. Annie Liebovitz

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Karma Luday Thu 21 April, 2016 - 1:38 am

I am a fan of British royals.

kate Thu 21 April, 2016 - 2:04 am


Milka Oren Thu 21 April, 2016 - 9:31 pm

Iwant to wish the Qween of England Happy Birthday for Her Majesty 90 years old birthday.
My mother her name is Aliza cilibreted now also her 90 years old birthday.
she is very proud that her first dauther it is me was born on the same day with Prince of Walles on 14 November 1948 in Israel. Every birthday I sand him birthday card.
Iwish you the Qween of England healthy and happieness for many years

God bless the Qween of England.

Milka Oren.

Jayne Thu 19 January, 2017 - 10:55 pm

It must be the angle but the Corgi on the bottom step, sniffing, looks like a longhaired Dachshund!

The photographs are splendid! I wish someone could make me look so good! =)


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