Sophie’s visit to New York for Women in Hedge Funds

Sophie, Countess of Wessex yesterday started her New York visit to launch her roles as Global Ambassador of 100 Women in Hedge Funds (WHF) Next Generation Initiatives.

Upon her arrival at JFK Airport in New York, she was welcomed by Deputy British Consul-General for New York. Mrs Angus Galletley.

Sophie at the WHF Education Event. via WHF twitter

Sophie at the WHF Education Event. via WHF twitter

Sophie’s first engagement was the 100WHF’s 500th Education Event. The appointment to Global Ambassador was made earlier this month, and is the reason for the Countess’ two-day visit to NYC; the aim is to inspire women and girls into the finance industry.

100 Women in Hedge Funds is a non-profit organisation for professionals in the alternative investments industry, and this . The Duchess of Cambridge also has links to WHF, attending a gala last month. 

At the education event, the Shareholder and Corporate Governance Practices were discussed with the 2015 New York Gala honorees. They shared their views about the topic, especially about the role of shareholders and investors.

The speakers of the event were, Michelle Edkins Managing Director and Global Head of Corporate Governance and Responsible Investments, Bess Joffe, Managing Director and Head of Corporate Governance, Rakhi Kumar, Managing Director and Head of Corporate Governance, Anne Sheehan, Director of Corporate Governance, Robert J. Kueppers a Moderator and partner at law firm Sage Partners, and  Diana L. Taylor the Vice Chair – Solera Capital LLC and member of Citi’s Board of Directors.

cow nyc

Sophie in NYC. via WHF twitter

Later, the Countess, as Global Ambassador attended a dinner at Citi offices.

On the 11th November, her second day in New York, the Countess attended an Armistice Day Service at the Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden. Here, she layed a wreath and observed the traditional two minutes’ silence. The garden also commomorates the 67 Britons that died on the 11th September 2001 during the attack of the World Trade Centre.

The Countess of Wessex lays her wreath. via WHF twitter

The Countess of Wessex lays her wreath. via WHF twitter

Later, she toured the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, which commomorates the victims of the attacks on the Twin Towers. In memory of these victims a yellow rose was placed on each name.

In the evening, she is expected to attend the New York Gala fundraiser. The funds raised will be used to inspire young woman, starting a career in the financial industry and creating educational opportunities.

On Friday, Sophie will travel to Toronto for a few days, before returning to the UK.

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