An MP made a mockery of his oath of allegiance to Her Majesty on Wednesday, when he called for the abolition of Monarchy just seconds before he swore his service to The Queen.
In a lengthy ceremony to swear in MPs before next Wednesday’s State Opening of Parliament, Labour MP Richard Burgon declared his Republican sentiments.
All MPs have to swear an oath, or a non-religious affirmation, of allegiance to Her Majesty and her heirs, to be able to take their seats in the House of Commons.
The oath should be said this way: ‘I (name), swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.’
But the newly-elected for the East Leeds constituency said that the Royal Family should be replaced by an elected head of state, said this prior to his oath:
‘As someone that believes that the head of state should be elected, I make this oath in order to serve my constituents.’
Burgon has since been called a hypocrite for taking the oath if those were his views, having said he was ‘forced’ to swear his allegiance to Her Majesty.
On the same day, Hannah Bardell, SNP MP for Livingstone, made an error on first attempt of taking the oath, and had to take it again.
The Queen will formally open Parliament next Wednesday for David Cameron’s majority Conservative government.
Featured image: Houses of Parliament