A man who tweeted threats to The Queen’s life and other comments about the Monarch’s demise has been fined £500.
Alastair Dow of Aberdeen appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court for sentencing yesterday, having been found guilty after trial for breaching the peace.

The Queen’s life was threatened by a Scottish man in online tweets. (Ben Stevens / i-Images)
One tweet from the 56-year-old said he wanted to see The “Queen’s brains blown out and her body splattered over the ground”.
Another claimed nationalistic motives for wanting the Monarch dead: “As a man at war for my freedom against the imposed monarch, I want my army to put a bullet in The Queen’s head.”
Last month Dow was convicted of causing fear and alarm by putting offensive, abusive and threatening material about Her Majesty online, but denied the allegations, claiming that the tweets had been “blown out of proportion” and should be considered rhetoric, and not taken literally.
He had sent the messages and tweets to people he did not know, and were available for all to see on the public account.
During the trial, the court heard that police were sent to Dow’s address in 2014, after receiving information there had been threats against The Queen’s person.
Fining him £500, Sheriff McLaughlin said: “We will always disagree about the seriousness – but I consider it to be a serious breach of the peace,” also saying that jail time would be ‘disproportionate’.
What are your thoughts on the fine? Is it appropriate?
1 comment
thats it your kidding right ooops a daisy you dont want to hear my remedy