Sophie and Lady Louise support English team on the hockey pitch

The Countess of Wessex was joined by her daughter, Lady Louise, on Sunday to watch the English hockey team take on the Dutch.

Sophie and Louise, 11, were in London to see the teams play at the Unibet EuroHockey Championships. They tried their hands at hockey at the Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre, the Countess never one to shy away from taking part – even is she is in a dress and wedges!

The Wessex family have been in Scotland on the Balmoral estate with The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, but came down to support the England hockey team.

The mother and daughter duo sat down to watch the game with friends after their stint on the pitch, and waved an England flag throughout the match.

Sophie, who is regualrly seen screaming and shouting at Royal Ascot, could not contain her excitement, nor disappointment throughout the match, and Lady Louise was animated too.

It was the English who were victorious, and the Countess presented the team with their medals.

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