‘Queen is an inspiration’ Harry & David Beckham agree at Young Leaders reception

At a Queen’s Youth leaders yesterday evening, Prince Harry and David Beckham had some kind words for The Queen, calling her inspirational.

Her Majesty’s grandson, Prince Harry spoke of the amazing work undertaken by the leaders, and moved on to admire The Queen: “The Queen’s Young Leaders award recognises what you have achieved, not for yourselves, but for your communities, for your peers, and for those less fortunate.


“You have already been an inspiration to so many, but I hope this award will inspire you to go out and achieve even greater things in the future, empowered by the network of leaders you now sit amongst.”

Young leaders who are changing their communities received their awards from The Queen personally at a reception at Buckingham Palace. 18-29 year olds from across the Commonwealth’s member states are eligible, and the scheme began in 2014.

“I have been extremely fortunate to meet many exceptional people over the years, but none more so than Her Majesty The Queen” Harry said.

“As the head of the Commonwealth, the Nation, the Armed Forces and our Family, I – like millions of others across the world – have been able to look to her for inspiration and guidance.

“The Queen, who assumed the challenge of leadership at such a young age, has shown us all the importance of selfless commitment and service. She is the example I aspire to and the standard by which I will judge my contribution,” the Prince ended, praising the Monarch.

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Maletsabisa Molapo is just one of those recognised, as she founded an organisation committed to improving the lives of women and girls in Lesotho, the small south African Kingdom in which Prince Harry’s charity, Sentebale, works. Her work sees girls sent to school and their equipment provided for.

“The peak was just as I was walking away from Her Majesty, The Queen,” she beamed. “Tears were rolling down my eyes.

“The first thing the Queen said was that she was proud of me. She asked me what I’m going to do with the award and I said ‘I promise you I’m going to change the world’.”

Supporters of the scheme, who include David Beckham, Sir Lenny Henry, Philip Schofield and were there too. The former footballer said he wanted his “children to be inspired by these guys, whatever they want to be, to be honest, as long as they have dreams, aspirations and what better people to look at than these young women and men.”

Members of the Royal Family joined the reception afterwards, including Princess Eugenie, The Duchess of Gloucester, before the evening was finished with a group photograph.



Photos: Royal Family twitter account

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