Camilla visits Bath school & domestic abuse charity after ‘Queen Consort’ support from The Queen

The Duchess of Cornwall stepped out for a number of engagements today in Bath, including planting a tree for The Queen’s Green Canopy.

The visit came after The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, where Her Majesty stated it was her ‘sincere wish’ for Camilla to be known as ‘Queen Consort’ when Charles becomes King. The couple explained how they were ‘touched and honoured’ by The Queen’s announcement in their own statement.

The first stop in Bath for Camilla was to Roundhill Primary School. Her Royal Highness arrived at the school to be greeted by many thrilled youngsters, who were waving union flags and shouting her name. Some even shouted ‘Queen Camilla’!

The Duchess of Cornwall was greeted by the crowds at Roundhill School (@ClarenceHouse)

The Duchess of Cornwall visited Bath in her first engagements since The Queen announced it was her ‘sincere wish’ for Camilla to be known as Queen Consort when Charles is king. (@ClarenceHouse)

The Duchess of Cornwall sat in on a number of classes. The first class was ‘Language for Life’. Camilla sat down at a table with the school children, when the teacher told the royal visitor they were playing a game. She joined in with the games and sing-along when one pupil told Camilla his name was Freddie, to which she replied: “I have a grandson called Freddie. It’s a very nice name.”

Another student, pointing to her friend, told Camilla: “That is called Maisie and his is called Thomas.”

Jokingly she laughed: “Well I can see who the bossy one is.”

During the visit, Camilla couldn’t resist seeing the children who were playing tea and cakes. The Duchess of Cornwall enquired: “Are those cakes? What cake is that? Is it nice? Is it chocolate cake? Does everyone like chocolate cake? They look delicious. Are you going to have them for your lunch?”

Camilla took part in a Maths lesson whilst visiting the school. (@ClarenceHouse)

The Duchess of Cornwall revealed that she wasn’t good at maths when she was at school. Whilst sitting in on a lesson, the Royal pulled a face and said self-deprecatingly: “I was never any good at maths. If I was in your class, I would be bottom of the class.”

As an advocate for encouraging the younger generation to read, Camilla couldn’t resist stopping off in the school’s library. She sat down with a group of children in the Owl Reading Room, who were creating a book on the importance of being at school, as well as the joy it can bring and a place of magic.

Camilla heard how the children hope to publish the book to raise money and create a snack area for their playground.

She asked one child: “Do you like being in the library? It’s a good place to be.”

The Duchess of Cornwall was given a tour of the school. (@ClarenceHouse)

During the visit, the Duchess watched pupils making fruit kebabs and even managed to get one reluctant boy, to try a few new things. Speaking about trying a pineapple, she said: “It’s a bit chewy, it might get stuck in your teeth a bit.”

To conclude the visit, HRH carried out a tree-planting to mark The Queen’s Green Canopy Initiative for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with the school’s ‘Eco Team’ and unveiled a plaque to commemorate the visit. Camilla shook the silver birch for good luck. “I always give it a tap,” she explained.

Speaking during the engagement, the Duchess said: “Before I go can I say thank you to you all for asking me to come to your lovely school. It’s a real treat to come here and it’s always a pleasure to come back to Bath, which is my home city.

“I have been so impressed by everything I have seen, and I never have enough time to see all that there is to see. I loved listening to you, I loved seeing your library and watching you do your numeracy – I didn’t understand a word of it.”

“One day I hope I shall be back again when I’m even older than I am now and to see that tree looking a bit bigger.”

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Speaking about whether the children understood the importance of the announcement made by The Queen at the weekend, Headteacher Sue Adams said: ‘” think some of the older children do. It would be lost on our younger children, I think, and they do get sometimes confused by the titles of different people but it’s part of our work. We always watch Newsround and we try and keep the children up to date.”

Mrs Adams also noted Camilla’s enthusiasm and passion for literature when engaging with the youngsters: “In the library we had a small group who are making a book about how fabulous it is to come to school. They’re illustrating it, they’re writing it and they’re going to publish it.

“The Duchess has asked if we’ll send her a copy once it’s published. It’s a wonderful opportunity for our children. We’re not that close to London and we don’t necessarily get to see a lot of the royal events. For us to be able to host a royal visit is a real privilege and an honour. We’re absolutely thrilled that the children have had that possibly once-in-a-lifetime experience. We’re very proud.”

After visiting Roundhill Primary School, Camilla stopped off at Voices, a charity that provides early help and recovery work for women. It also provides a platform for the voices of those affected by domestic abuse to influence policy ad provision of services.

The Duchess, an advocate for tackling domestic violence, met two women supported by the survivor-led organisation and said: “You should be very proud. I’ve been speaking to a couple of ladies who wouldn’t have survived without you. You are literally their lifeline.”

Camilla met with staff and survivors of domestic violence. (Clarence House).

Speaking at Voices, Camilla said: “I’d like to thank you all for all you are doing for people who are suffering domestic abuse. As you can imagine I’ve been around a few centres, a few safe houses and you always get the same feedback from them. Women, and sometimes men I talk to too, they all say you are their lifelines. That they could not exist without all your help, all your therapy and the legal help you give them.”

Camilla went on: “This probably wouldn’t have happened 20 or 30 years ago but it luckily is happening more and more now. More and more women are able to come forward and tell their stories, which [means] we are making a breakthrough.

“It’s going to take a long time but it is no longer a taboo subject. We’ve got to get out there and get it out to the general public, because a lot of people, including myself at the beginning, do not know enough about it. All of you do a fantastic job. Onwards and upwards.”

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