Prince Charles makes family statement: ‘my dear Papa was a very special person’

Prince Charles has released a short statement on behalf of the Royal Family following The Duke of Edinburgh’s death yesterday.

The Prince of Wales, 72, refers to the loss of his ‘dear Papa’, calling him a ‘very special person’. Prince Philip passed away peacefully at Windsor Castle on his son’s 16th wedding anniversary.

The message pays tribute to the seven decades the Duke spent at The Queen’s side and his work for his wife, the country and Commonwealth, and thanks people for their good wishes at such a sad time for the family.

Prince Charles has paid tribute to his father, The Duke of Edinburgh; this joint engagement in Poundbury took place in 2016. Picture by Stephen Lock / i-Images

It reads:

“I particularly wanted to say that my father, for I suppose the last 70 years, has given the most remarkable, devoted service to The Queen, to my family and to the country, but also to the whole of the Commonwealth.

“As you can imagine, my family and I miss my father enormously. He was a much loved and appreciated figure and apart from anything else, I can imagine, he would be so deeply touched by the number of other people here and elsewhere around the world and the Commonwealth, who also I think, share our loss and our sorrow.

“My dear Papa was a very special person who I think above all else would have been amazed by the reaction and the touching things that have been said about him and from that point of view we are, my family, deeply grateful for all that. It will sustain us in this particular loss and at this particularly sad time.

“Thank you.”

Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales on a visit to Poundbury in October 2016

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