William supports Diana’s anti-bullying campaign & greets Welsh rugby team

Yesterday Prince William, Duke of Cambridge visited Hammersmith Academy to support the Diana Award’s anti-bullying campaign, before he welcomed the Welsh rugby team to London.

William visited a school in Hammersmith to show his support for an anti-bullying campaign, #Back2School , focussign on cyber-bullying and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) bullying.

The Diana Award has established a nationwide Anti-Bullying Ambassador programme, training young people, staff and parents to help tackle bullying. The organisation remains true to The Princess of Wales’ belief that young people have the power to change the world for the better, and seeks to empower our youngsters to tackle social issues.

These ambassadors are taught to recognise signs of bullying, and also how to encourage victims to seek help and speak out about their concerns. Training centres around support networks, to create an environment that facilitates openness, and help youngsters to become aware of who they can go to if they have a concern, with the aim that no young person should suffer in silence.

Writing on a hand print, William named the five people he would talk to if he had a problem: his wife, Catherine, his brother, Harry, his father, Prince Charles, and then his gradnparents, The Queen and Prince Philip, demonstrating a close family bond. The Prince also added his dog, Lupo to the list.

Education Secretary Nicky Morgan was also at Cathnor Road school in Hammersmith.

Later that afternoon, the Duke presented the Welsh Rugby World Cup squad with their World Cup caps at a Welcome Reception in the Guildhall, London.

William, Vice Royal Patron of the Welsh Rugby Union, is to support the team during the Rugby World cup. He said:

“It is a great achievement for all of you to be here, whether as players, management or support staff.

“It will have been a long, arduous road for many of you to get the opportunity to represent your country at a World Cup. I know you will all be fearsomely proud of being a part of this team.

“All of your sacrifices, pain and Herculean efforts are about to be rewarded with the chance to make history in Cardiff and London over the next six weeks.

Whilst we have been dealt a very tough group stage, I firmly believe that, with a simple, determined, match-winning mindset, this team can progress into the knockout stages and beyond. I look forward to having plenty to cheer about throughout the tournament.

“We now need to look to the rest of the group and particularly this Saturday’s match. This will be one of the biggest clashes of the tournament and certainly of the group stages.

“I wish you all the best of luck and I look forward to supporting you every step of the way.”

“Unfortunately, I will be watching you with my brother, so I will need a Wales win more than ever!”

Prince Harry will be supporting the England team, who won against Fiji at the weekend, with Harry, William and Catherine in the audience.

This Saturday, 26th September, will see England take on Wales at Twickenham.

© Chloe Howard 2014

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