Princess Charlotte turns 7! New pictures to mark the occassion

To mark Princess Charlotte’s 7th birthday, Kensington Palace have released three new photographs of the young Royal.

The new photographs were taken by her mother, The Duchess of Cambridge over the weekend.

Charlotte turns 7! (Kensington Palace)

The pictures see a smiling princess among bluebells, and even features an appearance from the new family dog, Orla. Charlotte is seen to be wearing a cable knit blue jumper that matches the colour of the flowers around her.

The family adopted Orla in 2020, shortly before the death of their previous dog, Lupo, who was given to them as a wedding present from Catherine’s brother, James Middleton. Orla is also a cocker spaniel.

Charlotte is seen smiling in a field of bluebells. (Kensington Palace)

Charlotte was born at the private maternity Lindo Wing of St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, on 2 May 2015, weighing 8lb 3oz. She is fourth in line to the throne and is the only daughter of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Her full title is Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge.

It has become tradition for The Duchess of Cambridge to mark her children’s birthday by taking new photographs of her children to mark the occasion.

Catherine is a keen photographer, and in 2017 accepted a lifetime honorary membership of the Royal Photographic Society, which recognised her ‘talent and enthusiasm’.

New pictures of Princess Charlotte were released to mark her 7th birthday. (Kensington Palace).

Charlotte has been seen in public at royal engagements recently. Firstly at her great-grandfather’s Service of Thanksgiving, where she was joined by her elder brother and other members of the Royal Family. Secondly, she attended the Easter Sunday service at St George’s Chapel in Windsor with her parents and George last month.

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